Guest Songleader Maggie Wheeler Joins Our Song Circle This Sunday 10/18! And…More Links and Tips
The Song Circle launches this coming Sunday, October 18. 4:00-5:00pm Pacific. We’ll be using Jamulus and Zoom to hear and see everyone singing songs that are shared in the oral tradition — live! We’ll be joined by the wise, warm, and wonderful Maggie Wheeler, a leader of the community singing movement and co-Director of the Golden Bridge Choir, who will share one of her many great songs with us. There’s still room for more singers; if you’re interested, Marv will have a Zoom session with you this week to ensure you’re up and running on the technology. Please don’t wait until the last minute, as you may need to buy an inexpensive cable or connector, and Marv’s time is limited.
Community Singing Resources — such as Lisa G. Littlebird’s new Fall 2020 Singing Playlist, with songs, many of which are brand-new, from 16 songwriters — have been added to the Links page. Lots of online songs for community singing, many with lyrics and separate parts (Bass, Tenor, Soprano, etc.).
For those of you already up and running on Jamulus, here are some tips to add to this previous blog post:
Make sure WiFi and Bluetooth are off.
Close out all other programs (browsers, email, etc.) that could send/receive data via the Internet.
If you share your Internet, see if you can have it to yourself for a short time! Remember that your TV may have apps (eg. Pandora) on it that use the Internet.
Use a free site like to check your Internet speed. If you’re not getting (near) the speed you’re paying your Internet provider for, call them or go to their site and see if they allow online chat with their tech support people. They may have to send a code to your router/modem to restart it and “clear its throat,” so to speak.
Launch Jamulus after you connect your wired headphones (and external mic, if you have one).
Feel free to use our Contact page to get in touch!